Tabula geographico-hydrographica
Athanasius Kircher, De onderaardse Wereld (Mundus Subterraneus), 1665 (1682)
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Parcell W. (2009). Signs and Symbols in Kircher’s Mundus Subterraneus. In: Rosenberg G.D., ed., The Revolution in Geology from the Renaissance to Enlightenment. Boulder, The Geological Society of America: 63-74.
Tacchi Venturi P. e Almagià R. (1933). Kircher, Athanasius. In: Enciclopedia Italiana. Roma, Treccani.
Viglas K. (2014). Η Αναλογική Σκέψη του Αθανάσιου Κίρχερ ως Βάση Σύνδεσης του Ολισμού με τον Νεοπλατωνισμό (Athanasius Kircher’s Analogical Thought As The Basis of the Connection Between Holism and Neo-Platonism). Philosophia E-Journal of Philosophy and Culture. 8: 3-28.