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Marina Bertoncin

Professoressa onoraria di geografia dell’Università di Padova. La sua ricerca, all’intersezione tra geografia storica e sociale, si focalizza sulle dimensioni relazionali tra attori e spazi in progetti per lo sviluppo locale.

Andrea Pase

Full professor of geography at the University of Padua. Sahelian region is the place of direct confrontation with territorial processes, linked to water seen both as a common resource and as the basis for the modernization of agriculture.

Angela Kronenburg García

Antropologa, assegnista di ricerca presso l’Earth and Life Institute UCLouvain, Belgio. Le aree umide sono una risorsa chiave per la vita delle popolazioni delle zone aride, ma sono anche oggetto di una crescente pressione da parte di interventi e investimenti a grande scala volti all’agricoltura, alla conservazione ambientale (e valorizzazione turistica) e all’estrazione mineraria.

Mariasole Pepa

Postdoc researcher at Padua University. The current changes in the geography of development and geographies of power are her main research interests. In particular, the role that old and new actors, such as China, have in the re-definition of African rural spaces.

Ludovica Crocitto

Geologist, expert in geographic information systems GIS, research fellow at the University of Padua. Remote sensing allows to identify and perform qualitative and quantitative geospatial analysis on the Sahel wetlands, then analyzed and characterized using open source GIS software.

Federico Gianoli

Is a geographer specialized in Geographical Information System Science. He has always been passionate about GIS, WebGIS and he is an OpenSource enthusiast. Federico has been a lecturer of GIS at the University of Padua and since 2018 he has been working as a consultant GIS Developer at the Joint Research Centre (European Commission).

Chiara Gallanti

Postdoc researcher at the University of Padua. For the project, she is exploring the cartographic collections of the University's Museum of Geography to reconstruct the image of Africa, and of the Sahel in particular, developed in Europe since the end of the 14th century.

Aboukar Mahamat

Co-researcher of the PRIN project. Environmentalist and expert in integrated water resource management. National coordinator of the Cameroonian association ACEEN.

Ouande Moumouni

Co-researcher of the PRIN project. PhD in Geography, specialized in territorial planning at the University of Joseph Ki-Zerbo in Ouagadougou. His research interests include the spatial dynamics of hydrological spaces and their environmental implications in Burkina Faso.

Dobah Marsala Pamdandi

Co-researcher of the PRIN project. PhD candidate in International Environmental Law at the University of Youandé II. His research interests are related with the economic and environmental implications of foreign investments in the Sahel mining sector.

Eltaib Saeed Mohamed Ganawa

Professore associato alla Facoltà di Scienze Geografiche e Ambientali all’Università di Khartoum. Esperto di GIS e remote sensing.

Abdelrahman Eltahir A. Musa

Biologo, esperto di sistemi socio-ecologici, docente e ricercatore presso l’Università di Khartoum. La comprensione delle dinamiche dei sistemi socio-ecologici permette di identificare e analizzare i diversi modelli di utilizzo del territorio e delle risorse naturali in relazione alla crescente velocità e intensità dei cambiamenti climatici in corso.

Ahmed H.I. Elfaig

Professore associato al Dipartimento di Ambiente ed Ecologia, Facoltà di Scienze Geografiche e Ambientali, Università di Khartoum. Le sue aree di ricerca sono relative all’inquinamento ambientale e al cambiamento climatico.

Mohammed Hamed Hassan

Dottorando in GIS e Cartografia alla Facoltà di Scienze Geografiche e Ambientali presso l’Università di Khartoum. Esperto di tecnologie geo-spaziali e cartografia.

Miriam Bressaglia

Research collaborator of the PRIN project. Specialized in Global Refugee Studies at Aalborg University with experience in the area of cooperation in Cameroon and Chad.

Davide Cirillo

Davide Cirillo has a joint PhD in Human and Physical Geography from the University of Padua and in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He is currently involved in the project 'Conflict risks, resilience factors and natural resource management' funded by DG INTPA of the European Commission. His research interests are rural geography, local development and participatory action-research methodologies, with a focus on land transformations induced by large-scale land acquisitions in arid areas of West Africa.

Elvira Pietrobon

PhD candidate in urbanism at the IUAV University of Venice, she works in Mali with various associations for the protection of the region's cultural heritage. Her research interests focus on interpreting the role of peasant practices in urban and territorial dynamics in the south of the country.


Roberto Galati

From 2020 in charge of the Research and Third Mission Sector of the DiSSGeA Department

Valentina Casari

Research and Third Mission Office - Expert in Europlanning

Marco Orlandi

Technical director of MobiLab - Digital Laboratory for Mobility Research of the DiSSGeA Department of the University of Padua. He is involved in Digital Humanities, Historical Gis, Web Database, Data Visualization.